Free Quotation 01934 513862 – minimum charge £80. Send a Message Online if you prefer.
The latest Upholstery cleans have been quite challenging and the results to date are excellent as you can see from our pictures:
The dirtier the better is not always the best results as fabric type is the key factor.
We don’t shy away from the dirty ones which we have inspected initially for a free quotation. More and more clients are asking for costings before we see how dirty they are and the depth of cleans required which is no good to us as it can take from 2-5 hours to clean a suite and we charge according so that the client is happy with the costings and has a good idea of what to expect afterwards
Do be aware when upholstery cleaning companies offer very low costs as they are using cheap and harmful fluids – and in some cases – only clean an area once regardless of dirtiness as time is money to them.
Results and client satisfaction along with managing expectations Andy & Karon at Crawfords want you to be happy with the finished results not just feel it’s ok like other companies have done (as our clients tell us!).
Please let us see what is required on a clean not just guess in the dark, 01934 513862 call/text us your postcode and location for a free, no obligation on-site visit.